Saturday, June 30, 2018

Kefir's Effect on Candida

The yeast-like fungus called Candida causes the condition in human body called Candidiasis. It happens when these pathogenic microorganisms, naturally contained in human body in small amounts, start to multiply uncontrollably, causing stomach discomfort, gases, itchy or burning skin sensations, white film on tongue or white vaginal secretions.

It happens when the balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria in the gut is disturbed, which creates a favorable environment for Candida fungus to proliferate.

Kefir contains probiotic lacto-bacteria that "good" gut bacteria in human body "feeds" upon. Probiotics help to rebuild the normal micro-flora of the guts and prevent Candida growth.

The active cultures of Kefir speed up this process of natural balance recovery. It can also be taken for Candida prevention.

Freshly fermented Kefir contains the live cultures of acidophilus, bifido-bacteria and lacto-bacteria that prevent Candida growth, multiplication and generally stops its activity in the body. It also stops the Candida fungus from coming back.

I am vegetarian and don't eat dairy products, so I ferment my Kefir using Almond and Coconut plant-based milks using my dairy-free Tibetan Kefir Mushroom. It works wonderfully just as dairy milk.

Plant-based milks, especially Almond and Coconut milks can be used by people with lactose intolerance and by vegetarians.

Best Wishes,

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