Friday, December 27, 2013


Tibetan mushroom has long been a secret of Tibetan medicine. The reason is in its believed ability to help rejuvenate and cleanse the body.

Kefir normalizes healthy micro flora of intestines by clearing the body of harmful toxins (cholesterol plaques, stones, salts deposited in joints, spine, muscles).

Fatigue, lethargy, frequent occurrence of headaches, colds, inflammation, allergies are the initial symptoms of our excretion system struggling to function at its best.

The weakening of excretory system and other regulatory processes leads to mineral metabolism imbalances and salt depositions.

Interestingly, Tibetan mushroom is believed to help to reduce benign tumors, and slow (even stop) the production of cancer cells. I have not heard about any scientific studies done on this particular function of Tibetan mushroom, but it is documented to be used in hospitals in Russia and other Eastern European countries, as well as being recommended by Eastern European GPs to help loose weight and normalize metabolic body functions.

Tibetan Mushroom also cleanses the body (particularly liver and kidneys) after antibiotics treatment. If you consume large quantities of animal products, you most likely have antibiotic residues in your system. These antibiotics stored in your body kill off the good bacteria in your digestive system.

Regular consumption of correctly prepared Kefir drink helps to cleanse your body of many toxins. Take half a glass to a glass of Kefir 30min after your meal every day to help your body cleanse itself naturally.

(The information has been sourced from several sources and is provided for educational purposes only. Please, advice from your health practitioner  to treat specific health conditions.)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

TIBETAN MUSHROOM - History and Origin

This culture originated many thousands years ago in Tibet and was used by Tibetian monachs medicinally as well as in cosmetics.
Kefir was called "youth elixir", because people who were regularly drinking it always stayed in good shape and never got sick.
The culture was brought to Europe by the Polish professor who was living in India for 5 years and got totally cured from the stomach and liver cancer using this culture.
In Europe Kefir has been extensively used as therapeutic treatment for patients in sanatoriums. Russian doctors used it to treat conditions like anemia, tuberculosis, digestion problems, - to name a few. Still now dietitians in Europe are using Kefir as an effective weight management treatment. 

The origin of the first Kefir Grains is widely unknown. Caucasus Mountains and Tibet are two major geographic locations where Kefir has been traditionally used by local communities and kept in secret. We're talking about the same type of culture evolved in different geographic locations.

Caucasian people believe that Prophet Mohamed himself bestowed Kefir Grains as a gift to them, and that the Grains is the Manna described in ancient Bible.



L. casei
– Homo-fermentative [responsible for 90% of lactate synthesis]

L. paracasei – Homo-fermentativeL. acidophilis – Homo-fermentative

L. hilgardi -Hetero-fermentative [responsible for 50% of lactate synthesis]

L. delbruechkii subsp. bulgaricus – Homo-fermentative

L. kefiranofaciens – Produce Kefiran, internaly within the matrix

L. kefyri – Synthesizes kefiran superficially [possibly controlls microflora]

L. desidiosus – Heterofermentative [ferments L-arabinose and gluconate]

L. brevis [Synthesizes polysaccharide]

L. cellobiosusL. casei subsp. rhamnosus

L. casei subsp. alactosus

L. helveticus subsp. lactis

L. delbruekii subsp. lactis

L. lactis

L. fructivoransL. parakefir

L. paracasei subsp. paracasei

L. plantarum


Lc. lactis subsp. lactis [primarilly utilize lactose]

Lc. lactis subsp. biacetylactis

Lc. lactis subsp. creomoris


Leuc. citrovorumLeuc. cremoris

Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides

Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. dextrancicum

Leuc. mesenteroides subsp cremoris

Leuc. lactis


Strep. salivarius subsp. thermophilus [primarilly utilize lactose]

Strep. lactis

Strep. lactis subsp. diacetylactis [Synthesizes diacetyl]


Acetobacter aceti [synthesize acetic acid from ethonol in the pressence of oxygen]

Acetobacter racens



Kluyv. lactis

Kluyv. marxianus subsp. marxianus

Kluyv. bulgaricus

Kluyv. fragilis


Candida kefir

Candida pseudotropicalis


Sach. kefir [controls exogenous yeasts]

Sach. unisporum

Sach. torulopsis subsp holmii


Torula kefir [controls exogenous yeasts]